VanDyson Investments (Vandyson) is pleased to announce that we have helped found and have made multiple investments into Verity Nature Pty Ltd (“Verity”).
Verity’s objective is to build a portfolio of blue, teal and green ecosystem restoration projects that generate carbon credits at scale across a range of jurisdictions.
The Company’s projects are focused on helping to restore large-scale nature-based solutions like blue carbon ecosystems (mangrove forests, tidal marsh and sea grass beds), teal carbon ecosystems (non-tidal freshwater wetlands) and green carbon ecosystems (terrestrial ecosystems like savannah forests).
Verity has developed an attractive business model that is supported by a strong pipeline of large restoration areas for carbon projects.
Verity aims to be a leader in the development and financing of carbon projects. This successful implementation of this goal positions Verity as a true ESG impact investment, achieving numerous UN SDGs, including carbon sequestration benefits, cultural core benefits and multiple environmental & social economic co-benefits.
VanDyson invests in companies that have exposure to attractive, high growth markets, a strong market position with high barriers to entry and an attractive business model with contracted offtake.
VanDyson targets investments with the dual objective of generating a profitable financial return and positive ESG-related impacts. Verity meets both these objectives. VanDyson has taken an active ownership position and Duncan van der Merwe has joined the board of Verity as Chair and CEO.
About the VanDyson family office:
The VanDyson family office is based in Sydney, Australia and is focused on VanDyson Investments (established in 2006) and the philanthropic VanDyson Marine Fund (established in 2021).
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