The VanDyson Marine Fund (VMF) is pleased to have supported the recent launch of the Kelp Forest Challenge by the Kelp Forest Alliance. The Challenge’s aim is to restore one million hectares of lost kelp forest by 2040 and protect three million hectares of kelp forest by the same year. This Challenge and the Launch were done in coordination and with support from the IUCN, The UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration, and the UN Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The Kelp Conservation Summit on February 19th was attended by 80 people from 21 countries and six continents.
For more information check out: Kelp Forest Alliance
About the VanDyson family office:
The VanDyson family office is based in Sydney, Australia and is focused on VanDyson Investments (established in 2006) and the philanthropic VanDyson Marine Fund (established in 2021).
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